Imagine having perfect pictures every time for your personal or professional portfolios and photo albums create the best quality facebook or myspace profile pictures, Never put up with embarassing quality pictures.
Now here is your chance to fix all those favorite shots that you took without a flash light, or on the wrong settings. We probably couldn't fix all the badly exposed pictures in the world, but we definitely can fix them one at a time.
That's why we are offering you ONE FREE BASIC PHOTO RETOUCHING AND PHOTO ENHANCEMENT every single time you use us to fix one of your professional pictures that may need our professional touch. We understand the importance of every picture, and we are here to make sure that you make that first impression a great one.
We all know that every professional model, actor, singer, celebrity, fashion house, fashion designer, make up artist, stylist, corporate executives, movie stars, TV stars, etc.. pay to get their headshots, modeling portfolios, catalog pictures, senior graduation pictures, PR pictures, corporate headshots, advertising campaign pictures, magazine covers, album covers, etc...fixed and retouched, so why not coming back to a place that not only cares about your professional image but also cares about your personal photos and is willing to do them FREE OF CHARGE

It's like having your cake and eating too, and the best thing about it is 100% RISK FREE We match any quality in the world, Our superior digital imaging techniques in photo retouching, image enhancement, digital photo restoration and artistic manipulation in photo processing is one of the best in the country. We do not use any automated programs like our competitors, and we will not make you look a plastic doll. Each and every photo is carefully analyzed and corrected and passed through a SAQCS, Shaun Alexander Quality Control System, to insure the highest quality images, once it leaves our photo labs. We are confident that once you used us you will never leave us. That's our motto and that's why we are even offering you this incredible deal of the century
All you have to do is to upload one of your favorite images that you wish to enhance and choose the appropriate package and after you checked out, come back and upload another image and make sure you use the same name and email, and in the instruction box mention ( MY FREE BASIC PHOTO FIX ) and we will upload both of your images to our private server, or your preferred Email address. As easy as 1-2-3 Don't take our word for it, upload an image and we will show you the light at the end of the tunnel. what are you waiting for? find your favorite pictures and start uploading
Image editing services :
Fashion/Beauty/Product/Wedding Image RetouchingProduct Retouching
Jewelry Retouching
Real estate Retouching
Portrait Retouching
Repair & Restoration of old images
Wedding photo retouching and Album Design
Events: Birthdays, parties, proms, school photo retouching and much more
Basic editing and retouching includes:
Dust and spot cleaningColour correction, changing color to black and white and adjusting light and shadows etc.
Beauty retouching, cleaning the skin retouching, lines under the eyes, pimples and removing blemishes on face and body
For more advance retouching services such as cut out, background changes, ad or remove people in your photos and more contact us
for a free quote at retouching@la-fashion-photographer.com
For multiple images please contact us at info@shaunalexander.net,
Or call us at 1-310-213-7700
for instruction on how to upload multiple images to our private fast and secure FTP server.
Please Check your E-mail for updates and status of your order.